The Africa Aweee School
Country: Sierra Leone
Partners: Caritas Freetown, Desert Flower Foundation
Mission: 100% funding of the construction of a primary school for 400 children in the Hastings Community in Eastern Freetown.
The Africa Aweee school shall serve as an agent of change to „save“ these children from gender-based violence, give access to basic education and free more girls from the cruel traditional practice of FGM in the Hastings village.
Project Start: December 2021
School Opening: October 2022

„Education is the only way to eradicate
Female Genital Mutilation once and for all!“, Waris Dirie.
Sierra Leone remains among the world's poorest countries. Decades of economic decline, corruption and years of armed conflict had a devastating impact on it’s people and the economy.
Hastings is a town in the rural district in the Western Area of Sierra Leone. The town has a population of 15,054 and lies approximately 15 miles east of Freetown. In spite of all that has happened, Hastings is a community with faith in its own future.
Since education was not viewed as a priority by Sierra Leonean authorities it remains one of the countries with the highest illiteracy rates (69% male and 80% female). Yet, the few existing primary and high schools cannot supply the growing demand. The community needs additional primary and secondary schools, vocational centers and tertiary institutions.
Together with our local partners we address these socio-economic challenges and empower the community for positive change. ☀️